==================================== Submitting Bugs and Feature Requests ==================================== Before submitting a request, please search through the submitted requests to prevent creating any duplicates. If has been a similar request made, you can make a new request with a link back to the related request and also the differences and why the two requests are not duplicates. Submitting a Bug Report ======================= Once you have determined that you have found a bug that has not been mentioned in the Issue Tracker, go ahead to begin creating a new request. Step #: Create a good title, mentioning the feature of the bug and the error or deviation from the expected outcome. Step #: Add the label "bug" and also other relevant categories and labels available. Step #: State the feature the issue is about and list the deviation(s) about this issue. Step #: List steps on how to reproduce this error. Step #: (For developers) Provide as much information as you can about the conditions the error was encountered in. (for example: the operating system, browser, last pull request) Step #: Provide a console output at the end of the request. Submitting a Feature Request ============================ If you have a feature you think would be beneficial to add, feel free to make a request for it. Step #: Create a good title, mentioning the feature to be added and to where. Step #: Add the label "Feature Request" and also other relevant categories and labels available. Step #: State the feature idea, purpose, and reason it should be added. Step #: Give examples of this feature and how or why it would be beneficial.