================== How to Commit Code ================== Step #: create/modify/delete files in the repository Step #: use ``git add [filename.extension]`` to add the file to commit Step #: type ``git status`` to view files that are to be committed Step #: commit files with ``git commit -m "[message about committed files]"`` Step #: view the past commits with ``git log`` Setp #: push the commits with ``git push localBranch repositoryBranch``, which updates the branch in the repository with the current local branch git is on. Commit Guidelines ================= What: Commit the files that have been changed When: Commit only after making significant changes to code. How: Add a good description about the changes to code and files being committed. Picking Something to Work On ============================ Look on GitHub Issue Tracker(issues tab) for files to work on. Once issue to be worked on has been selected, confirm or search for other users who are also working on the same or similar issue and comment on the issue to inform others that the issue will be worked on. Making a Pull Request ===================== Type ``git pull`` to update all the files in the home directory with the files in the repository. If there have been files that are modified, the files changes need to be removed by committing or stashing. To stash, type ``git stash``. Code Review =========== Committed code will be displayed in the github feeds, for example, in the hipchat room. The code will be made available for others to view, comment, and approved.