A beginner’s guide to reStructuredText

This is a quick reference for reStructuredText (reST). It covers some of the most commonly used features. The following resources are much more comprehensive and come straight from the authoritive reST sources:

If you are using Vim, you may want to look at .vimrc configurgation to make writing documentation easier.


When creating a new section, make sure that the underline (and overline if necessary) have the same number of characters as the section title.

Section Header




Paragraphs are generated by one or more blank lines. All lines of the
paragraph must have the same level of indentation.


* This is an unorderded (bulleted) list.
* It has two items, the second item spans
  multiple lines and has to be appropriately indented.

#. This is a numbered list of two items.
#. The numbers are automatically generated.


*emphasis (italics)*
**emphasis (boldface)**

Code blocks

Code blocks are formed the following way:


    This text will appear in a code block.
    This inner text must be indented and seperated by a newline.


See also

this is a test of the seealso directive


this is a test of the note directive


this is a test of the warning directive

These can be generated with the following code:

.. seealso:: this is a test of the **seealso** directive
.. note:: this is a test of the **note** directive
.. warning:: this is a test of the **warning** directive

.vimrc configurgation

If you use Vim as your text editor, edit your .vimrc to include the following macros for quickly making section headings.:

" reStructuredText files
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.rst set textwidth=80
let @h='yypVr=yykP'   " makes a section header (with overline)
let @o='yypVr='       " makes a section heading
let @i='yypVr-'       " makes a subsection heading
let @u='yypVr^'       " makes a subsubsection heading
let @f='gq}'          " format until next paragraph, fixes column widths

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